Ayurveda, the ancient traditional method of treatment involving combinations of herbal medicines, physical massages and various other forms of therapy, offers excellent remedies for many illnesses.
Ayurvedic Therapies can be used to treat ailments like Anxiety, Arthralgia, Asthma, Back pain, Diabetes, Disc Prolapse, Diseases of the eye, Dislocation, Dystonia, Hemiplegia, Hypertension, Impotence, Infertility, Miscarriage, Motor diseases, Multiple Sclerosis, Obesity, Peptic Ulcer, Peripheral Neuritis, Psoriasis and other skin diseases, Rheumatic Joint pains, Rheumatoid Arthritis etc.
Apart from treatment for these diseases it also offers therapy that rejuvenates the body and mind from the ills arising out of the frictions of everyday life.
This is a special Kerala type of massage done by two persons using medicated warm oils. Improves blood circulation, strengthens muscles and joints, provides good sleep, improves the skin texture and sheen and nourishes the nerves. This treatment is not only for people who are ailing, but for anyone who wants to rejuvenate the entire system.
This is a process of massaging the body with heated cloth bag filled with fried medicinal leaves like ricinus, calatropis, tamarind and more. This massage is normally done by three people. It helps in stimulating thenerves and helps in reducing pain. This is done in cases of Rheumatism, arthritis, paralysis, sciatica, spondylosis and nervous disorders.
The body is massaged with linen bags filled with cooked Navara rice, frequently warming it in a mixture ofdecoction and milk. This massage is normally done by three people. It is acardinal treatment for diseases affecting the nervous system. Pain, rheumatism, emaciation of limbs, stroke, hypertension, sciatica, spondylosis etc. are the indications.
This is a special type of massage done with cloth bags filled with herbal powder, which will be warmed frequently. This massage is normally done by three people. This is massage has been seen to be very effective for inflammatory joint problems and primary stages of hemiplegia.
This is the process of massaging the body with herbal powders in a reverse order. The massage is done from the bottom up. The treatment is mainly for obesity, cholesterol and certain rheumatic complaints.
Under this procedure, the head is covered with Amla (Indian gooseberry) paste prepared in buttermilk or some decoctions suitable for the condition. Then, the head is covered with a banana leaf. This procedure has been seen to be very effective for dealing with stress, anxiety, sinusitis, chronic headache, sleep disorders and hair loss.
This procedure will be done by four people using special pots to pour a warm acidic herbal fluid (Dhanyamlam) all over patient's body. Helps to reduce inflammation and pain in many cases and is a method of sweating without using oils. This is done for people with cases of arthritis, stroke, rheumatism etc.
This is also done using special pots, pouring warm medicated oil all over the body along with gentle massage by two people and three assisting them in collecting and warming the oil. This procedure has been seen to be very helpful in many types of multi joint problems and hemiplegia. It is strictly done for specific illnesses.
Sirodhara means pouring of a liquid on the forehead in a continuous stream. According to the type of liquid used, Sirodhara can be classified into three types:
- Thailadhara - Sirodara with medicated oil.
- Thakradhara – Sirodhara with medicated buttermilk.
- Ksheeradhara – Sirodhara with medicated milk.
According to the liquid used, the effect will be different. Thailadhara is good for various types of nervous disorders like hemiplegia, facial palsy etc. Thakaradhara is good for various skin diseases, sleeplessness, stress and insanity. And Ksheeradhara is good for cooling the head, which helps immensely for people suffering from insomnia.
Under this, warm oils are kept on the head inside a leather cap for a long duration which depends on case to case. This is highly effective in cases of facial paralysis, headaches, spondylosis, hemiplegia etc.
This involves internal administration of medicated ghee in daily increasing doses and strict restrictions on diet and activities. This is the primary preparation for all the panchakarmas. This is an internal Shehana (Oleation) procedure. It is helpful in many cases like allergic asthma, psoriasis, eczema, low immunity, hyper acidity, peptic ulcer, digestive disorders and in all kinds of mental illnesses.
A particular type of oil is kept over the affected part (usually the lower back) inside a boundary made of some herbal pastes. This is particularly effective in all kinds of back pains and spinal disorders. The same procedure when done on the chest is called Urovasthy.
Oils or pastes are applied on the middle of the head and kept for one hour. This has been seen to be helpful in alleviating insomnia, high blood pressure, stress and vatha conditions.
Herbal pastes are applied over the affected parts. This is usually done to reduce swelling, pain or inflammation of the joints. And this is also used to treat some skin diseases.
Cotton pieces soaked in warm medicated oils are applied on the affected parts. This cotton will be soaked with warm oil frequently. This is very effective in relieving pain for muscles and joints. This is also performed on the head for some types of headaches and problems of sensory organs.
After some oil applications, the patient will be seated in a tub full of hot herbal decoction suitable for patient's condition. For the diseases of spinal cord, hip and lower back. This is very helpful for gynecological conditions.
A concoction of herbal pastes and some acidic liquids will be applied on the affected parts. This will be covered with leaves of calotropis, ricinus etc. and a cotton cloth on the top. This will be retained in place for at least 12 hours. This is highly effective for inflammatory joint pains and helps in reducing stiffness of joints and improves mobility of joints.
Well melted and strained medicated ghee will be collected in a ridge made around the eyes with black gram paste. This is very effective for refractive errors and degenerative diseases of the eyes.
Herbal juice mixed with goat's milk is collected around the eyes similarly as in Nethra Tharpanam. This helps in relieving tiredness of the eyes helps in clearing the vision.
This is an eye wash with special herbal decoctions, done by two persons. This has been seen to be very effective for eye infections and helps in refreshing the eyes.
This is nothing but application of eye drops. This has been found to be helpful in conditions like various eye infections, cataract etc.
A herbal powder is mixed with cow's milk and applied on the face. It is kept for one hour and then washed. This is a herbal face pack. This helps to remove wrinkles and black marks, improve the skin tone and imparts a special glow to the face. The powder is a special of the Rajah Ayurvedic hospitals under which Rajah Islands falls.
Under this, the patients face and neck is steamed with medicate
d milk. This is very effective in treating facial paralysis and diseases of the sensory organs.
This is medically induced vomiting. This is the cleansing process for the upper respiratory tract and upper digestive tract. Effective in Kapha rogas and some skin diseases like leukoderma.
This is a medically induced purgation which cleanses the lower digestive tract. Almost all types of skin diseases and chronic rheumatic problems will be relieved by this.
It involves the administration of medicines through the nose in the form of drops or powders. It is one of the Panchakarmas. Highly effective for all kinds of headaches, paralysis, depression, stress, pain around the neck and shoulders, eye diseases etc.
Medicated oil mixed with some herbal paste and salt, is administered through the anus. The quantity of material will be decided according to the strength of the patient and disease. One with the lowest dose of oil is called Mathra Vasthy. This is beneficial in chronic nervous disorders, joint problems and skin diseases.
This is enema done with a mixture of honey, salt, herbal paste, herbal decoction and medicated oils. This will be preceded by one or two rounds of Sneha Vasthy according to the condition of the patient. Combination of Sneha and Kashaya vasthys are helpful in some chronic rheumatic problems. This is very effective for Urinary stones, nervous disorders and in some gynecological problems.